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Board of Governors – Regular Meeting

Thursday, March 29, 2007, between 1:00 and 2:00 PM


  • Carolyn K. Roberts
  • All Board Members


Facilities Committee

Ms. Ava Parker

Budget Committee

Mr. Tico Perez

Approve estimated 2007-08 Operating Budgets for Auxiliary Facilities that have Bond Covenants requiring Board approval
Approve Acquisition/Construction of a Statewide Coastal Ocean Research Vessel for the Florida Institute of Oceanography
Audit Committee

Ms. Lynn Pappas

Approve Designation of the BOG as the Entity Responsible for Financial Reporting Requirements of the SUS
Research and Economic Development Committee

Ms. Ann Duncan

Academic Programs/Strategic Planning Committee

Mr. John Dasburg

Regulation for Final Board Approval: Exception to the 120 Credit Hour Requirement for Baccalaureate Programs

Concluding Remarks and Adjournment

Chair Carolyn Roberts